
Thursday, February 3rd

All Classes: Students continued to watch the History Channel documentary on the French Revolution.

C Period Homework: We are in a very unique situation, while we are studying the French Revolution, Egypt is experiencing protests of their own and could be on the verge of a revolution. Although you may know very little about what is happening in Egypt, my hope is that by using the resources below you will be more aware and will be able to compare the Egyptian protests to the French Revolution.

Your assignment is to use the resources below to learn more about the protests in Egypt and call my Google Voice phone number. Leave a message that explains if you believe there are any similarities, connections or key differences between the two events. Demonstrate in the voicemail that you understand the two events and can make connections between France in the 18th century and Egypt in the 21st century.

Goog Voice Number: (508) 591-0606
When you call, please start by stating your name as I have no other way of knowing who is submitting the voice message. You must submit your message before 10pm on Thursday to receive credit for your message.

Interactive Timeline of Mubarak's Presidency

Wikipedia: Day to Day entries of the unrest in the Timeline Section

Still Confused: The Choices Program from Brown University has to great videos that might help.  Scroll down the page and watch the first two videos: What is happening? & Why should high school kids know?

Watch this one! Late breaking video from ABC news.  An interview with Egyptian President Mubarak.