
Wednesday, March 10th

C Period - Debate about the impact of Imperialism.  The negative team won!
C Period Homework - Continue to work on your Imperialism websites. 
Also, include a new page, "Reflection" on your website and address the following ideas in that page.
1. How would you rate your experience with creating a website?
2. Do you think that you learned the concepts as well creating a website as you would have if you wrote a paper or took a standardized test?
3. Do you think you will be able to recall the information from the unit as well, better or worse, in the future?
4. Do you think you authentically learned about Imperialism by creating a website?  Did it challenge your understanding as well as a paper or test would have?

D & E Period - Started the WWI Unit.  Students completed a mapping assingment of Europe in 1914 and completed a chart explaining the M.A.I.N. causes of WWI.

F Period - Students organized and handed in their work from the Imperialism unit