
Friday, November 12th & Monday November 15th.


Martin Luther & The Protestant Reformation

1. Students read from teh textbook & summarized key points from the Protestant Reformation.

2. We then watched the music video below, "The 95 Theses Rap".  The first time through we watched it without the lyrics.  The second time through we watched the video with the lyrics and analyzed the accuracy of the lyrics as compared to the historical events surrounding Martin Luther.

C Period Homework: Analyze the selected aspects of Martin Luther's 95 Theses & write an entry in your Renaissance journal that demonstrates your understanding of the Protestant Reformation.

D & E Period Homework: Write a reflection in your Renaissance journal that demonstrates your understanding of the Protestant Reforamtion.


Machiavelli & The Prince

1. In class students voted on and brainstormed ideas about what it takes to be a succesful leader.

2. We then watched a short film "Great Books, The Prince". While watching the film, students took notes in their Renaissance Journals about the characteristics the Machiavelli believed made a good leader.

Homework for Friday Night: Write a reflection in your Renaissance Journal that demonstrates your understanding and critical thoughts about Machiavelli's view of a good leader.